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Next exhibition  próxima exposición 

Inauguración el 23 de mayo 2024, Palma de Mallorca


Drawings GillesBlanchard Mallorca
Drawings GillesBlanchard  Mallorca

The landscape speaks to us about the relationship that humans maintain with nature.

To depict it is first to choose what we want to show.

The Mediterranean landscape imposed itself on me through the emotional charge it communicates. Attempting to express its strength and beauty is to invite reflection on our attitude towards nature, to assess the place we give it.

To do this with simple technical means, a sheet of paper, some charcoal, undertaking large formats, is to immerse oneself in the landscape.

To be its interpreter, the one who wants to transmit what nature offers, to write this presence and this light.

It is to give time for admiration. This nature is there, present. Its permanence speaks of our fundamental relationship with life. We are one of its elements, let us keep this consciousness, let us experience it.


With a simple pencil, to write the landscape, to immerse oneself in order to understand it and to share its essence in a slow meditation; through drawing, to communicate the love for the island.

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